Customer property may be damaged if not properly handled or packed prior to transport. As a Bellhop Pro, it is your responsibility to ensure that customer property is properly protected and packed in accordance with industry-standard best practices.
As a reminder, the customer's property should always be properly padded and wrapped as needed to best prevent damage. Feel free to reference the help article on how to pad and wrap. Failure to properly handle and protect customer property may result in your removal from the platform.
Best practices for this include:
First, determine what items will be loaded into the truck by taking note of large items during the walkthrough.
The first items to place in the truck are items like large appliances (ex. refrigerators and freezers) and larger furniture (couches and desks). Strap down these heavier items with the truck straps. These large items form the “low” tier. Be sure to make all tiers as level as possible so you can stack on top of them.
Begin packing the second tier once the heaviest items have been placed in the truck. Make sure that the items will not move while the truck is in motion.
Pack glass items and lamps last. In the meantime, place these items on a pad at the end of the truck. Then, strap them in once other items are in the truck.
As you pack, make sure the tiers are level and that the weight is distributed evenly. This way items will not slide across the top level of items while the truck is in motion.
Boxes of the same size can be stacked on top of each other. However, place the heaviest boxes underneath lighter ones so they do not sink into each other.
Remember: never drive the customer's truck on a Bellhop move.